I will start with the boys. First, of course, is Neil. We are approaching the three-year mark since we first met. Last summer, following a hike, as we sat near the Big Thompson River under the shade of the trees, he "practice proposed." What exactly does that mean? Well, there was no ring, no down-on-one-knee - we were just sitting there, and he kind of mumbled, "So, um, would you, like, marry me?" I still feel a little bad because I started laughing - might have even asked "what kind of proposal is that?" But after I didn't answer, he was like, "Really, though. Would you?" Ummm, of course I would! So it's basically been settled. No "official" engagement or wedding plans until after we finish school, but we're thinking some sort of outdoor potluck-type shindig.
Just last week, he decided to see just how much I loved him by taking a spill off his bicycle while riding to work and fracturing his skull on the pavement (in addition to some other cuts, bumps, and bruises--one required a staple to the back of his head, something else caused him to be bleeding out his left ear, ya' know. all-around fun). Long story short, I got a call from his mother saying some guys from his work took him to the ER since he was bleeding out his ear and losing consciousness. Fortunately, we literally live two blocks away from the hospital. Spent a couple nights there, and then he was released into my care at home - he is recovering as well as can be expected, no apparent lasting physical, cognitive, or emotional impacts except for maaaaaybe some hearing loss in that left ear (getting that checked out tomorrow), and he will be wearing his helmet every time he rides his bike from now on. Hard way to learn a lesson, but lesson learned. And not that I needed this kind of scare to realize just how important he is to me, but it really hit the point home.
Second is Tommy (okay, I've had Tommy in my life longer than I've had Neil, but I wouldn't want to offend the boy by talking about my horse first). One year ago tomorrow, I moved Tommy out to his current home at Lynchland Stables. Lynchland is close to Ft. Collins - at the time, I had planned to take a course offered through the social work department at CSU looking at animal-assisted activities & therapy. Didn't end up taking the class with all the other craziness going on, but am still at Lynchland and enjoying it! Not as many uninhabited acres of land to go riding on, but there are jumps in the large and small outdoor arenas, a cross-country field, a roundpen, a dressage arena, and an indoor arena! Tommy had been lame off-and-on, so when I moved him to Lynchland, he also got the work-up from a vet and new farrier. There are still moments of gimp, but overall, he is fat (actually looking quite athletic!), happy, and moving much better (I even let him hop over some of the logs and small cross-rails on occasion). He has been helping teach Neil the basics of groundwork and riding, and for the past few months, he has also been playing uncle to an orphaned foal taken in by Jackie (the stable owner). And on days when I'm really down, he seems to know just what to do - I think he should get "horse-of-the-year."
The other new boy in my life is Ace. Ace had already lived at Lynchland when I got there, and I got to ride him in a couple lessons. Little did I know at the time, but his owner was putting him up for sale--though I eventually ran across his profile on dreamhorse.com during one of my window-shopping endeavors :) To make a very long story short, I ended up taking Ace for a couple months on a trial basis, and then, in December 2010, Ace became mine. Just to be clear, I had zero intention of getting a second horse (I know I mentioned getting another one "someday," but "someday" referred to a time in the future when I was done with school and had a real job. oh well). Really, I did not need a second horse at all - and I still have those moments where I wonder what I was thinking, and think I have no business owning a second horse--much less one like Ace. Ace is another OTTB (off-the-track thoroughbred) gelding, same age as Tommy, but a little more neurotic and high-maintenance (which, lets be honest, is probably part of why I was attracted--I can totally relate to his personality!). So, on the one hand, there a still moments where I wonder what I have gotten myself into with him - those times when he slams on the brakes in front of a jump and I topple off; the times when he forgets how to slow down; the times when he spooks from...a bird? a stick? a shadow? goodness even knows!! And then I get frustrated not with him, but with myself, 'cause I feel like I can't provide what he needs and help him be his best. That said, he has really changed in other ways - he is curious, friendly, he has slowed down and started to think about things, he backs up off my leg (no reins), I can challenge him without him freaking out extensively and/or throwing a tantrum (even asking him to stand still used to result in pawing, stomping, tail-swishing, head-tossing, and considering rearing up). Really, despite my doubts, I like to think we were meant to be together, to grow together. And now Neil and I can ride together--him and Tommy, me and Ace.
It's a good life - me and my three boys :)
And maybe getting back to blogging will help me break free from this writer's block I've been experiencing...