Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Do with this what you will...

So, this morning I heard an interview with Roger Mandervan, publicity director of the following website:

If you want the actual interview, visit the following page (it's second from the last...)
Personally, I don't even know what to think about this. In most states, minors cannot get piercings or tattoos even WITH parental consent.

Marriage, though - well, that's just fine!
Yeah. FYI, here's a rundown on marriage laws by state
And yes, it is still legal to get married at 13 (for females) and 14 (for males) in NH (and yes, one of the girls on the site is just 13).


Heidi said...

That is astonishingly creepy. Parents are basically SELLING their daughters to become good Christian wives and mothers. God help those poor little girls.

Heidi said...

Oh, thank goodness, the NY Times says it's a fake.

Apparently a lot of people fell for this, but I don't really feel like this is that outlandish, for crazy conservative fundamentalist types. I know some people, otherwise sane, whose actual goals for their daughters are training them to be good wives and mothers; this doesn't seem that far removed from that.

I'm so relieved it's not real though.