First, if you haven't already, go rent Religulous. And after you watch the movie, watch the special features, too. It's comedy done as a documentary, with comedian Bill Maher travelling world-wide to ask people about their respective religions and try to find some answers. Very entertaining while still though-provoking, and it actually ends on a rather serious note...

Anyway, Neil and I watched it Friday night and are still talking about it (granted, talking philosophy and religion are both favorite topics, anyway, but the point is that we both thoroughly enjoyed the movie - hope you do/did, too).
Second, I didn't go to the doctor about my foot - I tried swimming, instead, and so far it seems to be working out well. I made it through the weekend wearing my ankle brace but without any serious pain, which is sweet. Still some swelling and it hurts if you push right on the tendons, but full range of motion and weight-baring action are back. Yay! Just in time for the weekend...
Third, with regards to this weekend: my personal trainer guy is the coolest ever. EVER! Between yesterday and today, every part of my body is sore...and it is GREAT!!! Just the warm-up consists of 3 sets of 5 exercises (squats, pull-ups, sit-ups, push-ups, and back extensions), 10 reps each. Then we start the workout, which is like intense circuit training based in cardio, gymnastics and weightlifting.
Holy cow.
It is awesome!
I am totally going to be spoiled by the end of this. And hopefully I'll also be in totally better shape ;)
Awesome weekend, though I suppose for now I should get back to laundry, homework, and BED.
Happy Monday, everyone!!
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