Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Not that I'd put too much in store by this, but it does make a relevant point...

I'm not one of those people who has to read my horoscope and talk to my life-advisor before I can start going on about my business each day (supposedly, I was dealing with some serious anger yesterday and needed to avoid confrontational situations?), but I do think it's fun to read the little daily msn-homepage horoscopes.

Today's, though, actually seemed particularly relevant, as I still haven't decided whether to stick to my "graduate-sometime-this-century" plan for the semester (4 or 5 courses, a research paper started w/ a prof. last semester, a research project started w/ a prof. last semester, and my comps papers) or accept the research-assistant position offered up by another prof. I had just really, truly decided to not do it this semester, and then went in to talk to said prof. this afternoon, who still suppots that passing up would be a huge mistake - he thinks I should take on research over the semester and then take summer classes. Um. Yuck - especially since the research project would be good experience and pays, but relates in no way to my personal research interests. But at least I didn't cave under pressure, and, interestingly enough, this today's aforementioned horoscope:

"Don't be a pushover today, dear Aquarius. This is your time to lead. At least get your opinion out in the open and let it be known to the people around you. Put some fire in your day in order to liven things up and get the energy moving. There may be a powerful transformation that takes place within you as you start to wield your power instead of giving it away blindly to the people around you."


kiki said...

Wow! That horoscope was dead on. But, the day has passed and I'm glad everything worked out. Good luck to that professor. He should get a postdoc. Hehehe...

Jael said...

I'm glad you made a decision and you're sticking to it and are feeling good about it! It's always good not to cave under pressure and it sounds like you made the best decision for you. I hope things are going well. I am still waiting to hear back from places I've applied for, wish me luck! I'm hoping to get a job at UCF because that would be fun, so pray for me!!! :D