Monday, November 17, 2008


So last week I started to panic when I realized how close we are to the end of the semester, and exactly how much work I have left to do. A large majority of that work needs to be done this week, so I figured on being super productive all weekend.
Saturday was okay - I was semi-productive - definitely took care of quite a few things that needed taking care of. But didn't get a good run on any of the BIG projects. But that's okay, I figured, I still had Saturday night and all of Sunday.
But then I started to feel like I was going to die. And while I'm exaggerating somewhat, I'm really not exaggerating that much. Coughing up mucus and crap from my lungs and coughing so hard you feel like you're gonna' puke, and couldn't talk all of yesterday (haven't tried yet, today), and the pounding headache.
Needless to say, I didn't get much done aside from sleeping. The best part is that I feel like a slacker for it. Which is just silly!
It is also definitely reinforcing the thoughts I've had of moving back into town, but that's a whole additional story...
Okie dokie - out to do chores and then off to work and school. Everyone have a great day! :)

1 comment:

kiki said...

Turns out I just got a minor cold. Sounds like you got something horrendous. Hope you feel better soon! Hey, if you are thinking of moving back into town, how about closer to town in a lovely house that still feels like it is out in the country? know, just in case I move out of it myself...