Thursday, February 28, 2008

and some more random thoughts...

Why do I feel the need to be busy all the time? I've been that way for a very large portion of my life - I'm just not happy if I'm not doing something. Even though being busy can result in some stressful moments, overall, it causes me more stress if I feel like I'm not doing enough. But why? Does being busy really make me "happy," or is it something else? I'm pretty sure it's something else - it's comfortable...but why is it comfortable?
And why do I get so restless? Is that part of why I like to stay busy - so I'm not getting restless?

On a different note, as I've mentioned before, I don't go out of my way to read my horoscope and plan my day accordingly, but I do think it's kinda fun and interesting to check it out. Here's mine for today...and it's interesting how closely it echoes the conversations I had with two different profs yesterday...hmmmm.

"If you often help people in need, dear Aquarius, or if helping people is part of your profession, this day will bring certain ideas into the light. You need to take the time on a regular basis to take care of yourself! If you don't, you won't be able to continue to help others. Think about this and stop making excuses! Think of yourself, for once!"

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